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Migration Information Source Resources and data concerning migration. Researcher: Migration Policy Institute Juntos Center for Advancing Latino Health Research and community service for the Latino population in Kansas. Summaries of research projects, events, and newsletters. Researcher: "Juntos" Center for advancing Latino Health Access Denied: A Conversation on Unauthorized Immigration and Health Challenges the opinion that immigrants should be denied health care. Researcher: Access Denied Blog California Institute for Rural Studies Research and services in healthcare for rural workers. Researcher: California Institute for Rural Studies Immigrant and Refugee Health Services to improve the health of immigrants, refugees, and other migrant groups. Researcher: Centers for Disease and Control Prevention. The Urban Institute Children of Immigrants Data Tool Statistical data regarding children of immigrants. Researcher: Children of Immigrants Data Tool Evidence-based clinical guidelines for immigrants and refugees Clinical guidelines to health topics for Canadian immigrants and refugees. Researcher: CMAJ The Curious Ostrich Affect of immigration policy on immigrant health. Researcher: Daniel Madrigal et al. Health Initiative of the Americas Access to publications and other information. Researcher: HIA Immigration Policy Center Publications and research on may topics regarding immigration. Researcher: Immigration Policy Center International Center for Migration Health and Deverlopment Publications, news, links etc. about health and migration. Researcher: International Centre for Migration, Health and Development International Organization for Migration Organization's focus, key facts, and figures. Researcher: International Organization for Migration International Organization for Migration Research and policy on global migration. Researcher: International Organization for Migration Latino Coalition for a Healthy California Policy, advocacy, community education, and research carried out by the Latino Coalition for a Healthy California. Researcher: Latino Coalition for a Healthy California Fast Facts. Researcher: MEHARRY Medical College Events, courses, workshops, and research on health and migration. Researcher: Migration and Health Resource Center National Immigration Law Center Information on food programs and health care for immigrants in California. Researcher: National Immigration Health Center Pew Hispanic Center Health care for Latinos. Access to publications and other data and resources. Researcher: Pew Hispanic Center Place, Migration, and Health Publications and research focusing on the relationship between health and migration. Researcher: Place Migration and Health (PMH) A Cross-National Research Network Syllubus on public health issues for immigrants in the U.S. Researcher: Steven P. Wallace The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Provides articles and other information on immigrant health care. Researcher: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation UC Berkeley Population Center Databases of migration. Researcher: UC Berkeley Population Center Migration and Health Services and research to diminish health disparities in Latinos. Researcher: UC Global Health Institute How health systems can address health inequities linked to migration and ethnicity Health care inequalities for migrants. Proposed policies to address these inequalities. Researcher: World Health Organization Guttmacher Institute Improving sexual and reproductive health worldwide. Research in HIV/AIDS and other STIs. Researcher: Studying Migrant Populations Overview Difficulty of migrant research, examples of successful studies, and the further need for research on the health of migrants. Researcher: Alfonso Rodriguez Lainz What is Migration Health? Defines migration health. Researcher: Alfonso Rodriguez Lainz Introduction to Health Data using Online Resources: AskCHIS Workshop Guidefor using the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS). How CHIS could help obtain data on migration. Researcher: Ashley V. Parks Respuesta del gobierno mexicano a la atención de salud de los migrantes: retos y oportunidades de colaboración binacional Binational approaches to improve immigrant health. Researcher: Carlos Gonzalez The California Health Interview Survey:A Tool for Monitoring Migrant Health Describes the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) format, contents, and benefits. Researcher: David Grant Environment, Migration, and Human Health in Latin America and Africa: Evidence, Gaps and Opportunities (from a geographer’s perspective) Case studies focusing on migration as a result of food insecurity. Proposes solutions. Researcher: David Lopez Carr Good Practices and efforts to address Migration and Global Health Issues: an Operational Framework Migration's affect on global health. Researcher: Dr. K. Wichramage Estrategia Integral de Atención a la Salud del Migrante del Gobierno Mexicano Programs that improve access to health care of Latino immigrants in the United States. Researcher: Eduardo Jaramillo Navarrete Collecting Biological & Other Sensitive Health Data from Legal and Unauthorized Migrants in Household Surveys Obstacles to conducting household surveys for legal and undocumented migrants. Possible solutions and examples of some already conducted. Researcher: Enrico Marcelli Mexico´s strategy to Health Services for Migrant Populations Measures taken by Mexico and the U.S. concerning the health of Hispanic migrants. Future propositions. Researcher: Hilda Davila Using the principles of Social Marketing to reach Latino migrant families Social marketing techniques to promote health in California's Latino migrant population. Researcher: Ignacio Romero, et al. CONTEXTO DE LA SALUD EN LAS COMUNIDADES DE ORIGEN DE LA MIGRACION Access to health care for migrant communities, especially in Zacatecas. Researcher: Jaime Zavala Moreno The Institute for Mexicans Abroad Health Strategy for Migrant Communities Significance of IME (the Institute for Mexicans Abroad) for the health of immigrants. Researcher: Javier Diaz de Leon The Social Determinants of Migrant Health Social factors that affect health care. Researcher: Michael A. Rodriguez Salud y migración Defines migration and its affect on health. Researcher: Roberto Tapia-Conyer Research and Data Analysis for Policy Impact Effects of research on policy. Researcher: Wallace, Steven MEETING UNMET HEALTHCARE NEEDS IN CALIFORNIA The need for more Hispanic physicians in California. Researcher: Ana Jimenez et al. MIGRACIÓN Y SALUD: LOS HIJOS DE LOS MIGRANTES MEXICANOS EN ESTADOS UNIDOS Access to health care and health insurance for the children of Mexican migrants. Researcher: Félix Vélez Fernández Varela Migration Health: Conceptual Framework The history of migrant health, the phases of migration and what determines the health of migrants. Researcher: Alfonso Rodriguez Lainz Access to Health Care for Adult Latino Immigrants: Are Lack of Health Care Coverage and Discrimination Barriers to Accessing Care? To what extent does lack of health coverage and discrimination affect access to health care for Latino immigrants. Researcher: Claire Olivier et al. Home